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Dark Clouds

Hi. I am from Hong Kong. Writing and teaching philosophy has become my art - my means to address trauma, hurt, and loss.


My major research studies the neoliberalist capitalist world through a psychoanalytic and psychosocial lens and ways of collectively transcending it. Neoliberalism burdens the subject with the task of chasing ever-receding goals and perfecting their performance. This generates great anxieties and insecurities in everyone while leaving them no time to mourn losses. The anxieties and unmourned losses then receive social expression through culturally-sanctioned manic hyperactivity, chronic depression, and paranoid politics. Of the three symptoms, the first two are individualizing, while the last does not address the true cause of existing social problems. This means that transcending and collectively resisting neoliberalism requires us to go beyond these symptoms. My suggestion is that true transcendence such a social order would require us not only changes in institutions or social arrangements, but a change in one's psychosocial make-up made possible only by collective mourning.


I have recently published a related paper on the critical theory journal Constellations on paranoid politics. 


Aside from my interest in critical and psychoanalytic theory, I am also doing research on machine ethics and the social theory of the digital age. I have collaborated with Dr. Song Fei at Lingnan University in the publication of the pluralist hybrid model of moral AIs. We are researching the possibility of virtuous machines, with a manuscript forthcoming.


Along the lines of my critical theory research, I am also looking into psychosocial implications of the widespread deployment of AI technologies. 


I am currently a philosophy tutor/lecturer in Hong Kong. I have in the previous school year developed and lectured a course at the School of Creativity on the social philosophy of emotions for the Diploma in Creative Arts Program. I have also tutored courses ranging from political philosophy and philosophy of A.I. to logic and critical thinking at HKU.



For my brief bio, current projects and publications, see RESEARCH.



© 2021 Felix Yeung. (Last updated Mar 2024

Cover Photo "Radical Mite"

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