Current Projects
​Major Research Project:
Mourning Neoliberalism: Emancipation in the Age of Psychopolitics (PhD project at the SPAH, the University of Essex) supervised by Prof. Fabian Freyenhagen
PhD Funded by the Hong Kong Scholarship for Excellence Scheme​​
Publications and Work
Peer-Reviewed Philosophy Journal Articles:​
Felix S. H. Yeung (2022). “Psychoanalyzing Democracies: Antagonisms, Paranoia and the Productivity of Depression.” Constellations. https://doi.org/10.1111/1467-8675.12648
Fei Song, and Felix S. H. Yeung (2022). “A Pluralist Hybrid Model for Moral A.I.s” AI & Society (In press).
Peer-reviewed Scientific Journal Articles
Song, F., Shou, Y., Olney, J., Yeung, F. S. H. Moral judgments under uncertainty: risk, ambiguity and commission bias. Curr Psychol (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12144-023-05050-w
Seminars/Conference Presentations
“A Skilful-Coping Model for Moral AIs.” (with Fei Song)
Ethical and Social Implications of Artificial Intelligence: East-Asia and Beyond, Centre for Applied Ethics, Hong Kong Baptist University, 30 Mar – 01 Apr 2023.
"Can AI be Moral? Two different approaches to Ethical AIs" (with Fei Song)
2023 research semainar (invited) @ Graduate School of Humanities and Faculty of Letters, Kobe University. ​Website
A Hybrid Model for Moral AIs (with Fei Song)
2021 CEPE/IACAP Joint Conference ​
Democracy and Depression: Democratic maturity as "working-through"
2020 Seminar @ HKU Dept of Philosophy
On The Normative Foundations of Critical Theory
Seminar @ HKU Dept of Philosophy
Beyond Bad Conscience: Critical Reflections on Judith Butler's Ethics of the social bond
2018 Villanova University Philosophy Conference - Resistance: Psychoanalysis and Critical Theories
Postgraduate Thesis
"On the Normative Foundation of Critical Theory" (Research MPhil Thesis, Dept. of Philosophy, The University of Hong Kong) Link​​
Undergraduate theses
Recognition or Power? : a critical assessment of Axel Honneth's recognition-theoretic renewal of critical theory (2015-6 under Prof. Jiwei Ci) Abstract
Pollination Ecology and Floral Development of Machilus chekiangensis and Machilus velutina (Lauraceae) (2015-6 under Prof. R.M.K. Saunders) Abstract
Articles pending publication/ Working Manuscripts
Manuscripts/Talks in progress:​​​
Wrong Life Cannot be Mourned Rightly: Theodor Adorno and the Impossibility of Psychic Integration
Enlightenment's "Good Mourning": A Kleinian Reading of the Dialectic of Enlightenment.
Completed Manuscripts:
"A Skilful-expert model for Machine Ethics" (In collaboration with Dr. Song Fei) - Manuscript accepted, pending publication
"The Unconscious in Age of Neuralized Digital Capitalism: On Psychic Resistance in the Age of Deep Learning"
"Resetting Machine Ethics: Rationalism, Hypocrisy, Disagreement, and Skills" (In collaboration with Dr. Song Fei)
Awards and Scholarships
2022-2026 Hong Kong Scholarship for Excellence (HKSAR Government) - Title of "Hong Kong Scholar"
2016-2018 Postgraduate Scholarship (Graduate School, HKU)
2016 Peter Thrower Prize in Biological Sciences (Faculty of Science, HKU)
Awarded to the best student in Ecology and Biodiversity completing BSc in 2016.
2015 External Examiner’s Book Prize in Philosophy (Faculty of Arts, HKU)
One of the two undergraduate prizes in Philosophy of year 2015, awarded based on academic merit
2012-2015 Dean’s Honours List (Three-time awardee) (Faculty of Science, HKU)
2012 HKU Foundation Scholarship for Outstanding Students (HKU)
2012 Science Entrance Scholarship (Faculty of Science, HKU)
Teaching Experience
2023 Fall
Diploma for Creative Arts, Philosophy Programme: Our Manic Age - An Introduction to Philosophy and Psychoanalytic Theory (Lecturer) (HKICC Lee Shau Kee School of Creativity)
PHIL 1068: Elementary Logic (Tutor) with Dr. Lam Ka Ho
2023 Spring
PHIL 1068: Elementary Logic (Tutor) with Dr. Jennifer Nado (HKU)
2022 Spring
Diploma for Creative Arts, Philosophy Programme: The Weight of the World - The social philosophy of emotions (Lecturer) (HKICC Lee Shau Kee School of Creativity)
PHIL 1034: Ethics and Politics, with Dr. Amit Chaturvedi (HKU)
2021 Fall
PHIL 1068: Elementary Logic (Tutor), with Dr. Jennifer Nado (HKU)
Diploma for Creative Arts, Philosophy Programme: On Subjectivity (Lecturer) (HKICC Lee Shau Kee School of Creativity)
2021 Spring (HKU)
PHIL 1068: Elementary logic (Tutor), with Dr. Jennifer Nado
2020 Fall (HKU)
APAI 1001 AI: foundation, philosophy and ethics (Peer Tutor), with Dr. Joe Lau
2020 Spring(HKU)
CCHU 9005 Food and Values (Tutor), with Dr. Joe Lau
2019 Fall(HKU)
PHIL 1068 Elementary Logic (Tutor), with Dr. Jennifer Nado
2019 Spring (HKU)
PHIL 1068 Elementary Logic (Tutor), with Dr. Jennifer Nado
2018 Fall (HKU)
PHIL 1012 Mind and Knowledge (Tutor), with Prof. Max Deutsch
PHIL 2360 Political Philosophy (Tutor), with Prof. Jiwei Ci
2017 Spring (HKU)
PHIL 2077 Habermas (Tutor, Co-instructor), with Prof. Jiwei Ci and Johannes Hoerning
PHIL 2362 Liberal Democracy (Co-instructor), with Prof. Jiwei Ci and Johannes Hoerning